The 3rd Annual Meeting of the Asian Association for
Algorithms and Computation
April 17-19, 2010
Pohang, Korea.
News and Schedule
- February 5, 2010 : Submission due
- March 1, 2010 : Notification of acceptance/rejection of paper
- March 19, 2010 : Hotel and Early registration due
Preliminary Program is out!
Instructions for speakers - April 17-19, 2010 : Meeting at Pohang, Korea
Invited Speakers
- Jin-Yi Cai (Wisconsin, USA)
- Jeong Han Kim (NIMS, Korea)
Previous Meetings

The 3rd Annual Meeting of the AAAC will take place at POSTECH, Pohang, Korea. We invite submissions of one-page abstracts that can be based on original research or survey of existing results in areas of theoretical computer science, especially design and analysis of algorithms and complexity theory.
Meeting Format
Two invited talks and parallel contributed talks, of which 8-10 will be accepted as long talks. The meeting starts around 9 a.m. on April 17 (Saturday) and ends around 5 p.m. on 19 (Monday). There will be a conference dinner in the evening of April 18.
Paper Submission - EasyChair Conference System.
Authors are invited to submit one-page (A4) abstracts (in pdf format) that can be based on original results or survey of existing results. Informal working notes including the one-page abstracts will be distributed at the meeting, which does not prevent any form of future publication of the same work.
All submissions should be made electronically. Papers are now being accepted through the EasyChair Conference System.